Boy's World Annual 1967

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Boys World Annual 1967

The Hunter and the Hunted, man versus bear 4
The Bridge That Collapsed, a strip story 9
Build Yourself a Bridge, a Meccana model 13
The Mechanical Diver, a cutaway drawmg 14
All Action Trains, in war and peace 16
The Fast Ones, modern motor sport 20
Model Motor Racing, on a table-top 23
Motor Rally, what is it really like? 24
Motor Rally in Miniature, in your own home! 27
Pony Express, a Wild West strip story 28


Snowfall, on the New Zealand Alps 32
Private Proon, the Barrack Square 35
Slumberjack, the sleepiest lad in Sleepy Hollow 36
How to Compete With a Weather Satellite 38
Model Motors, just like the real thing 39
The Fall, a mini-adventure story 40
Wrath of the Gods, a strip story 41
Jungle Green, behind Japanese lines in Burma 49
Private Proon, the Barrack Square 52
Night Flight, a strip story 53
Men With Ideas, inventions that worked 57
You Too Can Be An Inventor, with model kits 61
The Big Race, a crossAcountry run 62
They Blazed a Trail, historic aircraft 64
A Railway of Your Own, how to plan and run it 69
Making the Most of Your Models, some expert advice 73
Private Proon, the Barrack Square 75
Mario the Magician, in Man Overboard 76
The Listening Trees, cowboys and an Indian 80
Pinch and McNab, cops and robbers 84
Ticket to Adventure, motorcycle trials 86
Men Out of Time, a mammoth in the Antarctic 89
A Case of Vital Importance, train robbers 97
Throws and Catches Can Win Matches 101
Raff Regan, and the Glory Hunter 105
Duggie's Dinosaur, a story of Downfield School 109
Tons of ’Tecs, "Elementary, my dear Watson” 113
The Firing Squad, 3 story of Pancho Villa 117
Death at Midnight, sabotage and secret agents 118
Just Sam, a big shaggy—haired dog 122
A Page of Old Pistols, wheel-locks and flint-locks 127

1966 Odhams Books Limited
127 pages

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